The company policy of INDUSTRIAS IRIS, S.A. includes the following guidelines:
- Commitment to meet the explicit and implicit demands, requirements and expectations of our customers as well as legal and regulatory requirements.
- Based on strategic lines, the company's objectives have been defined and disseminated at all levels of our structure.
- To establish measurable and quantifiable improvement objectives in order to ensure and demonstrate the continuous improvement of the integrated management system.
- To manage the processes that reduce the environmental impact of our activity and to evaluate in advance the environmental impact of new activities or services.
- To promote the rational use of natural resources and a clear awareness of favouring our environment, not only through our work, but also by involving all our suppliers and customers.
- Commitment to environmental protection, including the prevention of pollution, and the sustainable use of resources.
- To develop continuous training programmes aimed at improving the skills of our employees, thus involving all staff in the achievement of all the objectives set out in this document.
- Commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and health deterioration.
- Commitment to the continuous improvement of the management system implemented in the company.
- To foster and achieve a motivating environment for all members of the company, without discrimination on grounds of gender, race, culture and/or ideology.
- Commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce risks.
- Commitment to employee consultation and participation.
Management makes this policy accessible and available to its customers, all employees, suppliers and interested parts.
The Policy is kept up to date through regular reviews, coinciding with management reviews of the system, in order to take into account changes in environmental conditions and feedback. In this sense, the management provides and will provide all the human, technical and economic means necessary to achieve the objectives and goals that are established on a programmed and periodic basis.
The Management,
Date: 08/01/2019